I finally found the right screws. They are stainless steel and fit the countersink nice. They have a nice chunky head. They are bridge screws for a telecaster. The dude i bought them off searched everywhere and found them in the usa, i just searched ebay.
I put phosphor bronze 13s on it originally but they snapped with the taking them off and on so have put some electric 9 guage on there to try. Pretty bendy compared to the 13s and sound weaker so i've ordered some phosphor bronze 12s to see the difference compared to the 13s.
I bought these Piezos off ebay for £1, they should pick up the vibrations of the soundboard once installed inside the guitar. With the jack strap pin it will turn Goldie into a stealth electric guitar :)
My nuts too small, the tailpiece has a crack, frets needed extra work, strings snapped with all the on and offness and machineheads pegs are loose. Sounds nice though.
Goldie told me to cover her in wood filler. While sanding it off she said STOP! All the parts with filler on will be covered with gold leaf as Goldie likes the shabby chic look.
I've oiled the fretboard, it keeps sucking it up so I'll keep doing it daily until she tells me that's enough. I've noticed that while drinking wine with her she tells me things, like her name.. Goldie Horn.